King meets king
To bow or not to bow
The historic face-off between Mardi Gras monarchy and the former King Edward VIII and his wife Wallis Simpson.
We are not, typically, a curtsy-friendly society. While those from other countries might bow or bob to royals, this is not a custom with much reason to practice in the monarchy-free USA. But the Duke and Duchess of Windsor put the American aversion to bowing to the test when they visited New Orleans in 1950. Would bonafide royalty bow to our “royalty”?
The demoted but still royal Edward VIII rolled into New Orleans by train early on Mardi Gras day. The city was abuzz with the question of whether the couple would bow and curtsy to the carnival king and queen, a local custom to show respect—but mainly have fun—as part of the festivities. The Duke of Windsor himself was also unsure, admitting that the British monarchy had no known rules for this situation. He’d have to think about it throughout the day.
The first test came when Rex, the King of Carnival, rolled by atop his parade float as the Windsors looked on. Edward went along with the mayor in toasting the pretend king but didn’t join in smashing his glass on the ground afterwards, telling Wallis, “It’s far too dangerous.”
Receiving a throw—as the trinkets cast by the parades are called—is considered an honor, and the couple were a popular target that day. Wallis hung the bead necklaces she caught in the crook of her arm, where they shared space with her long white gloves.

A direct meeting of the “kings” with no parades to distract would happen later in the evening at two prestigious Mardi Gras balls. After dinner at the renowned French Quarter restaurant Antoine’s, the Duke and Duchess arrived at the first, he in a tuxedo and she in a Balenciaga dress. Wallis—famous for her jewelry—didn’t disappoint with her Cartier bib necklace glistening with emerald-cut amethysts, diamonds, and turquoise cabochons.
The couple were escorted to an imposing throne to greet the King and Queen of Comus. The huge room was silent, waiting to see how the monarchs would react to each other. Applause and shouts of “Bravo!” broke out as the Duke bowed and the Duchess dropped into deep curtsies—once each for the King and Queen. This scene repeated itself to enthusiastic reactions at the neighboring ball of Rex.
Seemingly gripped by the Mardi Gras spirit, the Duke and Duchess had done the unthinkable in New Orleans. Edward described the day as “simply marvelous.”
Hero photo of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor courtesy of the Rex organization