A letter from your host
— Daisy Prince
Welcome to Digital Party—the party for our times.
Back in April 2020, when I decided to launch a new digital weekly to provide a virtual escape from the incessant hammer of politics and the pandemic, I envisaged a time when Covid had receded (mostly) into the background and people were once again happy to go out, meet, and make merry. I did not imagine launching during a time of war and continued anxiety about what the future holds. But here we are.
My hope, back then and now, is that DP will serve as a mental respite—if only so we can regroup and refocus our minds from the tasks at hand. Let this be your break from the three P’s: Politics, Pandemic, Pretension. There’s plenty of that elsewhere. We all need some joy.
Each week’s DP will unfold like all great soirées do, with lively small-talk over cocktails, followed by a languorous meal, and sweet after-hour indulgences. Picture a glamorous evening out, but without the effort: You’ll meet interesting people, have great conversations, learn about subjects and people you don’t know (or know super well), find new travel destinations, and catch up on what’s happening in town. Maybe you’ll have a few disagreements amongst friends and even get a tad frisky by the end of the evening.
We’ll also be chronicling the changing mores and new rules of engagement as we navigate the New Twenties. Exactly 100 years after the 1920s, we’re in the throes of another shift in society, fueled by post-pandemic upheaval and a war in Europe. Our 1920s-inspired design honors the past as we dissect the shifts in society, arts, and culture of today.
I believe that conviviality, conversation and community provide a much-needed balm in these uncertain times.
Everyone is invited to join our Digital Party. Please raise a glass with us!
If you have an editorial project we should be talking about, please write us at info@thedigitalparty.com and include your contact info, credits and visual materials.
We look forward to expanding our community and working with like-minded partners. For general inquiries, advertisement opportunities and to request our media kit, please write to info@thedigitalparty.com
Please write to info@thedigitalparty.com