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Tenney Hearst Espy

Movers & Shakers

We see you: Tenney Hearst Espy

The photography of this Hearst scion sees the eroticism in the everyday.

The people—young, old, and everyone in between—who most intrigue us.

Why we’re watching her: The gorg great-granddaughter of William Randolph Hearst is popping up everywhere from Manhattan art galleries (especially those that exhibit her photographs) to South Hampton charity ’dos. 

Pedigree: Espy was raised in Denver and got her fine art degree from the College of Charleston. After freelancing in LA for a couple of years, she moved to New York to get a Master’s in Digital Photography from the School of Visual Arts.  

Picture this: Espy’s photographs demonstrate an eye for drama, whether it’s highly stylized nudes or bold, colorful flowers. (And sometimes, nudes with flowers.)  

Bringing faith to feminism: After showing her work at the Waverly Gallery in South Hampton, Espy joined the mission-driven Waverly Project as Northeast Director. Its goal: “To create experiences for girls to learn; discover their creative leanings, build strong roots in their faith, exposure to a healthy sisterhood, and understanding who God made them to be.”

Back in the secular world: Espy has a side hustle as Head of Social Strategy for Spirited Hive, which distributes canned craft cocktails made with organic honey. Their motto: “Join the buzz.” Espy seems to have that part conquered.

Weight, what? For all her glam vibes, Espy has been upfront about her issues with mental health and body image. She can be found on TikTok (@theperfectenster) talking about the time her weight climbed to 205 pounds when she felt trapped in an emotionally abusive relationship. (Reader, she dumped the guy.)

Life lesson: Espy’s mantra, “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” – Marilyn Monroe (We quite agree.)

Party spirit animal: The chameleon, known for its penchant for transformation and fearlessness.

Prediction: After being single for nine years, Espy recently got engaged to insurance broker Joey Siringo.  We predict many colorful flowers of all varieties at the wedding.

Hero photo of Tenney Hearst Espy by Yvonne Tnt/ & Madeleine Thomas/

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